Konstantinova Alfiya Gumarovna
The paper deals with the research results of reading preferences among the residents of Ural nuclear closed administrative-territorial formations in the 1990s. At that time sociocultural transformations, which modified the architectonics of the cultural landscape, significantly changed reading practices. In this regard, the study of such a small fragment of reality as reading preferences of small societies in closed towns seems to be very important for understanding the dynamics of social phenomena and processes. While studying the reading preferences, the author revealed reading value orientations among the residents of Ural closed administrative-territorial formations, their assessment of reading activity, psychological factors of reading, quantitative characteristics, gender and age peculiarities. In the era of changes, reading continued to occupy one of the leading places in the structure of leisure preferences among the residents of Ural nuclear towns and remained the most important way of raising the cultural and educational level. Home and public libraries were the main channels for obtaining information through reading. The universal library fund made it possible to satisfy various information needs of users. At the same time, in order to effectively stimulate reading activity, it was important for libraries not only to provide high-quality services, but also to accumulate relevant socio-cultural practices in their activities.
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