Historical and cultural standard and teacher’s professional training within the course of the civil identity formation (formulation of the problem)


Malkin Stanislav Gennadyevich


The paper is devoted to the role of the state educational policy within the course of the Russian civil identity formation. The focus of the study is on the evolution of the aims of the authorities in matters of the historical education and historical memory, their norm-legal regulation and institutional support, as well as real educational practices. The introduction of the historical and cultural standard for teaching the school course of the history is considered as a collective attempt by the authorities and society to lead historical and educational policies to a common denominator in terms of the content and value. A special accent in the paper concerns the problems of the teacher professional training for the implementation of the state historical and educational policy of the Russian Federation within given framework, considering the specifics of the contemporary informational space. It attracts attention to the close ties between information wars and historical policy, in the context of the attempts to reconsider the results of the Second World War especially, keeping in mind its effects for the transformation of the civil identity and the changes of position the Russian Federation held on the international arena. Both methodological and organizational restrictions were identified in secondary and higher schools, which have a significant impact on the formation of civil identity through historical education, both at the stage of training pedagogical personnel and in the process of studying the school course of the history.


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