Vybornov Aleksandr Alekseevich,Gilyazov Filat Faritovich,Doga Natalia Sergeevna,Yudin Aleksandr Ivanovich,Yanish Evheniia Yurievna
Researchers suggest a hypothesis that one of the indicators of the Neolithic is settlements based on stable fishing using boats and nets. The northern part of the Lower Volga region is a steppe zone. The peculiarities of natural and climatic conditions (arid climate, a small number of rivers) predetermined a low population density in comparison with other regions. The location of long-term camps is traced on different rivers on particular distance from each other. This provided normal conditions for life of the Orlovskaya culture representatives. The culture stratification in loam leaded to good preservation of faunal remains. The big archeozoological material was accumulated for reconstruction of these societies household. Hunting was carried out mainly on large ungulates. In addition, waterfowl accounted for a significant proportion. A domestic dog provided assistance in hunting. Finds of bone harpoons and hooks, accumulations of scales and bones of pike and perch are speaking about individual fishing. Stone sinkers, axes and adzes, vertebrae may suggest fishing with a net from a boat or a raft. The absence of sturgeon remains give a thought that the Bolshoi Uzen River didnt flow into the Caspian Sea in the Late Stone Age.
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