Evolution of teenagers’ deviant behavior problem in writings of national and foreign authors


Chelnokova Tatyana Aleksandrovna


The paper presents the results of the authors research of the basic trends in evolution of teenagers deviant behavior problem in writings of national and foreign authors. This topic is widely presented in scientific researches. Its methodological base originates from the works of 19 century researchers. The first-rate sociologists stand at the dawn of researches, it highlights social significance of deviant behavior problems. National researchers and representatives of psychological science contribute to the methodology of the problem. The variety of methodological and theoretical approaches to the problem of deviant behavior provides a possibility of explanation of the whole variety of deviant behavior forms. The author pays attention to some publications written on the results of conducted researches, underlining a wide ramified structure of the researches agenda. The paper also gives a brief analysis of deviant behavior term; it is underlined that the problems connected with it are considered by representatives of different fields of science (sociology, psychology, pedagogics, criminology, cultural studies). At the end of the paper the similarity of trends in research of the deviant behavior problem by national and foreign authors is stated. The author notes the importance of knowledge of recent researches for arrangement of work with children and teenagers in the educational system.


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