Methodological approaches to the study of Ch. Darwin’s theory of natural selection in the school biology course


Lamekhova Elena Anatolyevna


Currently, some previously recognized ideas are being re-evaluated in biological education, which confirms the need to improve and further develop the methodology for studying and teaching the theory of evolution. Relevant in this regard are the selection of the content and the development of a methodology for studying Darwins theory of natural selection in the school biology course, which determined the purpose of the study. The purpose of the paper is to develop a methodology for studying some issues of Darwins theory of natural selection in the school biology course. The paper offers a variant of the program and a method for studying the most complex issues of the topic. Natural selection, which manifests itself as a consequence of the struggle for existence, should be described by formulating a definition, describing the mechanism and results of action. The study of natural selection should be accompanied by evidence of its leading role in evolution. Describing the struggle for existence as a factor of evolution, it is necessary to emphasize its ecological essence. The results of the action of natural selection should be described taking into account their cause-and-effect relationships, accompanying this with examples, using various manuals and tasks and carrying out practical work. The description of the methodology for studying the issues of the topic is of theoretical significance, and the given methodological recommendations for studying the prerequisites for the emergence of Darwinism, the doctrine of the variability of organisms, the struggle for existence, natural selection and other issues are of practical importance and will ensure a successful assimilation of this complex material by students.


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