Competencies of specialists engaged in the life management rehabilitation


Starobina Elena M.ORCID,Gordievskaya Elena O.ORCID


BACKGROUND: The need to create qualified human resources of institutions and organizations involved in the comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation of persons with mental disorders is relevant. AIMS: To study the content of available professional standards of specialists in the current modern direction of the life management and support for citizens with mental disorders to make the necessary additions and changes based on relevant competencies. MATERIALS AND METHODS: During the study, data search was conducted. The content of the professional standards of social profile specialists was analyzed. Moreover, information sources regarding the target orientation of the activities of specialists who promote the life and support of citizens with mental disorders were analyzed. RESULTS: The lists of general professional, personal, and special competencies of specialists involved in the life management and support of citizens with mental disorders were determined. Proposals were made to adjust and introduce new formulations into the substantive parts of their professional standards based on relevant competencies of specialists. CONCLUSION: The above proposals will be the basis for making reasonable additions to the professional standards of specialists engaged in the life management and support of citizens with mental disorders to improve the system of their professional development and retraining.


ECO-Vector LLC


General Medicine

Reference24 articles.

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