Development of professional standards in the area of medical and biological waste management for workers of 3-4 skill levels


Perelygin Vladimir V.ORCID,Sklyarova Nataliya A.,Vasiliev Vitaliy P.,Zharikov Mikhail V.ORCID,Sklyarova Lyudmila V.


Issues related to the updating of professional standards for workers of 3-4 skill levels are relevant for all sectors of the national economy. In this study, we have analyzed the qualifications and training of the main participants in the labor market in the field of biomedical waste management in health care organizations, agriculture and veterinary medicine, food and biotechnology industries, food trade, hospitality sectors, tourism, as well as other organizations in which medico-biological waste is generated. The purpose of this work is to analyze the algorithm for updating professional standards for management of medical and biological waste specialists. In the course of updating the Professional standard Worker in the area of medical and biological waste management, employees of the Department of Industrial Ecology of the Saint Petersburg Chemical and Pharmaceutical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation made a proposal to supplement the labor functions of this standard with new competencies and a new qualification Specialist in medical waste management, formed in the organizations of pharmaceutical activity.


ECO-Vector LLC


Materials Science (miscellaneous)

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