INTRODUCTION: The current burden of circulatory diseases on the health care system, both at the federal and territorial levels, and its projected growth make it necessary to develop a network of healthcare organizations, playing a key role in ensuring the accessibility and quality of medical assistance to the population. The Russian Federation approved the national project "Health Care", which includes eight federal projects, including the project "Control of Cardiovascular Diseases". The reduction of the mortality rate from circulatory system diseases to 450 per 100,000 of the population by 2024 is a priority goal. The National Plan of Action for the Elimination of Child Labor has been adopted. Its achievement depends largely on the availability of affordable health care.
AIM: To assess the accessibility of medical assistance to patients with circulatory system diseases in Voronezh according to the main characteristics of the total number of medical organizations providing medical care in ambulatory and in-patient conditions.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Analytical and statistical methods of research were used in the analysis.
RESULTS: Between 2011 and 2019, the number of hospital organizations in Voronezh decreased by 8.3%, which is related to structural and functional changes in the number of beds, as reflected in a reduction, and the association of medical organizations. The number of medical organizations providing outpatient care has also been reduced from 176 to 119, or by 32.4%. During the study period, a decrease was noted in the number of beds and number of days of operation per year and increase in the rate of turnover of beds in cardiology, therapy, and neurology.
CONCLUSION: Increasing the accessibility of medical care to patients with circulatory system diseases considering its organizational component is aimed at building in-house organizational and informational cooperation between cardiologists and primary care physicians and specialized health care.
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