Influence of metabolic acidosis on erythrocyte addrenoreactivity in newborn


Denisenko O. D.,Perepelitsa S. A.,Litvinova Larisa S.


The aim of this work was to study the indicators of adrenoreactivity in the residual cord blood of full-term newborns, depending on the degree of acidosis. The study of the acid-base state and gases of the residual umbilical cord blood of newborns made it possible to evaluate the indicators of the diagnostic criteria for acidosis and highlight the degree of its severity in children at birth. Adrenoreactive properties of erythrocytes were assessed by the method of quantitative assessment of the degree of inhibition of hypoosmotic hemolysis of erythrocytes in the presence of beta-blockers and adrenoreactivity of the body was determined in 58 newborns. It was established that the violation of metabolic processes in the body of newborns was accompanied by activation of the sympathoadrenal system to varying degrees. The increase in metabolic acidosis in children is associated with a decrease in the bodys adrenoreactivity. The level of indicators of -ARM of erythrocytes depends on the severity and duration of hypoxia.


ECO-Vector LLC

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