Mooring traumatism


Shapovalov Konstantin A.ORCID,Shapovalova Polina K.


BACKGROUND: Mooring operations are a hotbed of specific injuries on all floating craft without exception. AIM: Analysis of mooring injuries of the members of vessel's crew of water transport. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The analysis of the treatment of 224 patients from the number of the sailing crew, who received industrial injuries with the loss of ability to work when mooring ships while performing voyage tasks in the Northern water basin. Analytical and statistical methods were used. RESULTS: In the Northern region, mooring injuries most often occur on river transport (46.7%) and sea (36.3%) vessels, on which transportation is intense, loading and unloading can occur at different berths within the same port, which increases the frequency of mooring operations during short transitions and, accordingly, the likelihood of mooring injuries. Outpatient treatment due to mooring injuries was received by 50.8% of the sailing crew. The second half of the mooring injuries required emergency hospitalization, long-term treatment in the surgical department and further rehabilitation at the outpatient stage. CONCLUSION: In the general structure of industrial injuries of the floating composition of the Northern water basin, various injuries during mooring of ships account for 10.1% of cases. Risk factors and circumstances creating threats to the health, working capacity and life of the floating personnel associated with mooring operations are: 1) fleet river transport, sea transport; 2) profession sailor, sailor-minder; 3) age up to 30 years; 4) production experience 112 months. The average period of disability for mooring injuries is 48.0 working days, a bed-day for hospitalization in the surgical department 20.6. Returned to professional work after rehabilitation due to mooring injuries 94.0% of the injured from the amphibious crew. The primary exit of the victims to the II disability group was 1.3%; group III 2.2%; 2.5% of mooring injuries were fatal.


ECO-Vector LLC


General Medicine

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