1. I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
The rise in cesarean section rates worldwide has greatly increased the rates of placenta accreta spectrum. Accurate diagnostics of placenta accreta spectrum before delivery is still difficult, as one-half to two-thirds of placenta accreta spectrum cases remain undiagnosed until delivery. Local and foreign studies reported the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasonography (US) as the most commonly used method for placenta accreta spectrum imaging because of its inexpensiveness, noninvasiveness, and swiftness. This review highlighted the possibilities of prenatal US diagnosis of placenta accreta spectrum. Diagnostic accuracy may be reduced by the localization of the placenta in the posterior wall and a higher body mass index. US and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are highly specific and useful in diagnosing or ruling out placenta accreta spectrum. Unlike MRI, the accuracy of US depends on the qualification; therefore, single-center studies often overestimate the accuracy of US. More studies of the diagnostic methods for placenta accreta spectrum are needed for the selection of logical obstetric techniques for managing pregnant women with this pathology.