Breast cancer in female military personnel – the state of the problem


Kucherenko A. D.,Maryeva O. G.,Starkov I. I.


The results of the analysis of domestic and foreign literature devoted to the problems of diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer among female personnel are presented. It has been established that female servicemen have a tendency to increase the incidence of breast cancer. Possible differences in risk factors for breast cancer between military personnel and civilian women and the possibility of preventing breast cancer among female personnel are discussed. Despite the progress made in the diagnosis of breast cancer, the percentage of tumors released during initial treatment remains high. A high percentage of neglected forms of breast cancer among newly diagnosed tumors testifies not only to the formal nature of the on-site medical examination, but also to the insufficient oncological alertness of doctors and the low sanitary culture of servicemen. The need for screening breast cancer among female soldiers is grounded. The need to improve the system of providing assistance to female personnel suffering from breast cancer, providing early diagnosis, timely comprehensive treatment and dynamic observation. The creation of a single cancer registry of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is proposed. The necessity of introduction of uniform standards of diagnostics, treatment and prophylaxis of breast cancer for military health organizations is substantiated.


ECO-Vector LLC


General Medicine

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