Chemokines, their receptors and features of development of the immune answer


Moskalev A. V.,Rudoy A. S.,Apchel V. Ya.


The general characteristic chemokines as is given the fibers participating in various immunophysiological and immunopathological processes. Features of their secretion, interaction with profile receptors, expression immunologic competence cages are reflected. The priority principle of interaction chemokines with corresponding receptors, and also prevalence concrete cytokines for development of the immune answer either on Thl, or on a Th2-way is shown. Chemokines besides maintenance of migration of leukocytes regulate angiogenesis, stimulate an exit of haemopoetic predecessors in ischemia sites, and also regulate development and prolipheration B-lymphocytes. The metabolism of chemokines is closely connected with matrix metalloproteinase which carry out proteolysis chemokines, change transit of leukocytes. They are capable as to inactivate chemokines, and to split them, promoting occurrence of the antagonists connecting a receptor without carrying out of a signal. Along with general characteristics of chemokines, features of participation chemokines in development antibacterial and antiviral immune answers are described. It is established that a number chemokines, operating through concrete receptors, provide angiogenesis tumours, promote progressing of tumoral process both direct, and the mediated mechanisms. Some chemokines, are necessary for metastasizing for a tumour, providing distribution of tumoral cages to bodies, where expression for them corresponding receptors. And others chemokines, produced, in particular fibroblastes, stimulate a survival and growth of neoplastic cages paracrine with a way. The special role lipoprotein is shown low density in an induction lisso and endotheliocyte by cages macrophage chemotaksis a protein, interleukin-8, fractalkine in processes aterogenesis.


ECO-Vector LLC


General Medicine

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