Modern approaches to organ-conserving surgical hemostasis in obstetric bleeding


Fatkullina Irina B.ORCID,Yashchuk Alfia G.ORCID,Fatkullina Yulia N.ORCID,Lazareva Anna Yu.ORCID


BACKGROUND: Obstetric hemorrhage is an urgent problem of global health care, since it occupies a leading position in the structure of maternal mortality. AIM: The aim of this study was to analyze data on hemostasis in obstetric bleeding. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The article presents a review of the world literature on modern approaches to hemostasis, which take into account new data on the anatomical structure of the female reproductive system. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Based on the foreign and domestic literature data, a strict step-by-step implementation of all prescribed measures along with a differentiated approach to treatment that takes into account anatomical features is the key to success in the fight against obstetric bleeding as the main cause of maternal mortality in the world.


ECO-Vector LLC


Obstetrics and Gynecology

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