Primary disability as a result diseases of the urinary system of an adult population in Moscow


Calacheva Ganna M.ORCID,Zapariy Sergey P.ORCID,Puzin Sergey N.ORCID


The analysis of primary disability as a result of diseases of the urinary system with the outcome of chronic kidney disease among the adult population of Moscow, the Central Federal District and the Russian Federation for the period 2015-2019 has revealed that the extensive indicators for the number of certified as disabled for the first time in Moscow is comparable in terms of primary disability in the Central Federal District and are lower than in the Russian Federation. Intensive indicators in Moscow are lower than in the Central Federal District and the Russian Federation. Extensive and intensive indicators of primary disability in Moscow, the Central Federal District, and the Russian Federation tended to increase. The age structure of the certified as disabled for the first time contingent as a result of diseases of the urinary system in Moscow, the Central Federal District and the Russian Federation do not differ significantly in values and dynamics among young and middle-aged population. The predominance of persons of retirement age was revealed with a tendency to increase their level. The severity of disability was dominated by I group of disabled people with a tendency to increase their specific weight. The second place was taken by disabled people of III group with a tendency to increase their share and a stable level of disability.


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General Medicine

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