Evaluation tools of current certification: control issues revealing theoretical training of a resident in the specialty «medical and social expertise and medical and social rehabilitation»


Puzin Sergey N.ORCID,Chandirli Sevda A.ORCID,Bogova Olga T.ORCID,Korshikova Yuliya I.ORCID,Abol’ Anna V.,Shestakov Dmitry Yu.


For certification of students for compliance with the requirements of the professional educational program, funds of evaluation funds are created, which allow to evaluate knowledge, skills and mastered competencies. In addition, they should become an effective means of training and mastering the work program (module). The goal of the WCF is, first of all, to create conditions for the development of competencies among students for successful professional implementation. Control questions developed to identify the theoretical training of students allow you to evaluate basic knowledge, logic and other communication skills.


ECO-Vector LLC


General Medicine

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