Impact of isometric exercising as to development of physical characteristics typical of dorsopathy patients at incomplete remission stage


Vakulenko Sofya V.ORCID,Yeremushkin Mikhail A.ORCID


BACKGROUND: The positive impact of isometric exercising, which makes muscle strength indicators grow, has been known for a long time. However, very few studies have been devoted so far to the examination and assessment of the effect in terms of their application for practical healthcare purposes. AIM: It is aimed to assess how a therapeutic isometric exercising impacts the dynamics of basic physical conditions of abdominal and back muscle groups as well as the decrease in pain syndrome severity, which Lumbar spine dorsopathy patients have during an incomplete remission state after the treatment is over and in a remote period (in six-month period). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The retrospective analysis of data based on clinical and functional examination methods and treatment results was conducted involving 72 patients aged 2550 years old with the confirmed dorsopahy diagnosis. The data were acquired with the use of FSSD profile and tension dynamometry Back-Check Dr. Wolff (Physiomed Elektromedizin AG, Germany). The visual analogue scale (VAS) was applied to determine the pain syndrome intensity. RESULTS: Further analysis of the acquired results showed the increased rate of the BPC indicators of strength (p 0.05) and endurance to static and dynamic loads produced with the key posture-dependent muscle groups (p 0.05) as well as decreased intensity of the pain syndrome the dorsopathy patients had (p 0.05). CONCLUSION: Isometric exercising helps to lower the pain syndrome intensity assessed as per the VAS (p 0.05), increase the muscle strength and the core endurance towards static and dynamic loads.


ECO-Vector LLC


General Medicine

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