BACKGROUND: Down syndrome is a widespread, but still insufficiently studied genetic pathology, leading to early disability of the child population.
Complex habilitation using transcranial micropolarization according to the method of N.Yu. Kozhushko can effectively compensate for impaired cerebral functions. The article deals with the question of the expediency and relevance of the application of the International classification of functioning, disability and health ICF in the complex habilitation in Down syndrome in children, as an international language intended for a comprehensive description of the components of human health.
AIMS: studding the possibilities of transcranial micropolarization in the correction of neurological deficit in children with Down syndrome based on the principles of the ICF, designed to comprehensively describe the biopsychosocial status of a child.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study involved patients (n=55) with Down syndrome aged 3 to 5 years without severe concomitant decompensated pathology from other organs and systems. All cases of the disease were genetically confirmed: all had complete trisomy on the 21st chromosome. The main group included 40 children, the control group 15. In addition to the complex psychological and speech therapy support, the habilitation program for the children of the main group included the method of transcranial micropolarization according to the method of N.Yu. Kozhushko, the use of which can significantly improve the existing cerebral dysfunction in Down syndrome. All children were categorical ICF profiles, taking into account the most sensitive and informative in this disease.
RESULTS: According to the results of testing on a 10-point scale for assessing speech function, 6 months after the procedures, there was a significant improvement in the indicators of expressive and impressive speech, speech attention, as well as positive dynamics in the formation and improvement of neatness skills.
At the same time, the ICF made it possible to form a categorical profile of a child with Down syndrome, visually assess the influence of environmental and personal factors in each specific case, objectify changes in health disorders during habilitation, which is especially important in assessing the patients condition, developing a treatment plan, and analyzing the results obtained.
CONCLUSIONS: The method of transcranial micropolarization adapted by N.Yu. Kozhushko, can be recommended for complex habilitation for patients with Down syndrome. The use of the ICF for a comprehensive assessment of the functioning of a child with a hereditary disease makes it possible to take into account the strengths and weaknesses of the individual, correct environmental factors, which is especially important in achieving results in hereditary diseases accompanied by cerebral deficiency.
General Earth and Planetary Sciences
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