Tarcaya Héctor Rubén,Morales Antonio Adrián Arciénaga
The ISO 39001 and IRAM 3810 standards are risk management tools related to road safety. The first establishes requirements for a management system, while the second establishes requirements for good practices. Both are for implementing, auditing and certifying in organizations. In the present work, the situation of certifications of both standards in automotive passenger transport companies in Salta city, Argentina, is analyzed. In turn, the perception of the community in relation to road safety and bus service is identified. Through interviews with representatives of bus companies and through a community survey, the necessary data is obtained. The study shows that all companies certified IRAM 3810. Most did so in 2022, so it is a recent process. The perception of the community partially recognizes the improvements in the bus services, but does not recognize a safe driving in accordance with the road safety rules.
South Florida Publishing LLC
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