Flores-Villegas Monica Yazmin,Carrillo-Aguilar Daniela Mitzuko,Núñez-Núñez Cynthia Manuela,Zazueta-Álvarez David Enrique,Palacio Maribel Madrid del,Torres-Fraga Karla,Peyro Iván Antonio González,González-Maldonado María Berenice
In this work, 15 plants are listed, which are considered to have toxic effects in different areas of Durango. In addition, their main characteristics, distribution, properties and uses are described. Most toxic plants cause problems to human health such as: irritations, burns, vomiting, diarrhea and in some extreme cases these can cause death if we exceed the dose. On the other hand, these qualities can be used to benefit the environment, by extracting toxic secondary metabolites and using them to control pests, whether for forestry or agricultural insects, and thus reduce damage to the entomofauna of the area. Therefore, the objective of this review is to inform and identify the location of toxic plants in the state of Durango, uses and distribution. Furthermore, since the plants listed here do not have any harmful effects on the environment, their possible use in the production of biorational insecticides against insects is considered, which can be part of integrated pest management.
South Florida Publishing LLC
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