


1. Brusov State University


In the article, we address the importance of the development of the necessary skills to promote self-education at schools and its importance for students as one of the goals of learning. The choice of appropriate classes is essential for the development of self-education, because the development of the value system of self-education itself can be difficult to measure. To that end, we choose the integrated lessons to achieve this means. Integrated lessons are unique types of classes that are out of patterns taking into the consideration the free will of the students. Self-education is a complex phenomenon and in some ways it is hard to understand whether the students can or cannot use it in real social life. We focus on the development of relevant abilities, skills and review the competence learning to learn. Integrated lessons and self-education themselves are a more flexible, giving both the student and the teacher the opportunity to show freedom in order to achieve the set learning goals. Naturally, it is important not only to choose the type of class, but also to choose the appropriate tasks. Tasks should be interactive, motivating to involve students as much as possible. Most importantly, they should stimulate students' curiosity so that they show willingness to do extra work on their own. The article presents examples of tasks that can be used in the classroom. Tasks encourage the development of a number of abilities in students. We also study some local and international standpoints on self-education and how it is represented.


Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences

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