1. Brusov State University
This article is an attempt to describe the role of translation in the
concept of communication in the works of Juri Lotman, co-founder of the
Tartu Moscow Semiotic School. This article attempts not only to show the
features of the concept of communication in the works of Juri Lotman, but
also to refer to the theories that contributed to the formation of this concept,
as well as to emphasize the originality of Lotman's concept of communication,
its similarities, and differences in comparing the concepts of communications
of Ferdinand de Saussure and Roman Jakobson. The article discusses the
communicative models of communication "I-S/He" and "I-I", proposed by
Lotman, their features, as well as the possible scope of these communicative
models. This article also emphasizes the role of autocommunication in
Lotman's communicative model and its possible forms of manifestation. In
addition, a separate emphasis is placed on the role of dialogue and translation
in Lotman's concept of communication. In particular, it is put forward that
communication for Lotman is a kind of translation, a kind of manifestation of
translation, which is its integral part.
Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences
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