Netting Multidimensionality of Energy for Indoor Space Heating Across Rural Households of Rawalpindi division: A Multi-Tier Frame Work Approach


Nasir Ali,Hameed Gulnaz,Saboor Abdul,Hassan Fayyaz ul


Energy make a emergence a good, sufficient and just life. The worldwide endorsement of "energy access for all" has come from Sustainable Development Goal 7. Fifty-six percent of people in Pakistan still rely on conventional biomass fuels. Current study aimed to evaluate the space heating  access  of rural household in districts of Rawalpindi division. For this intend, a framework has been operationalized put up by Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) World Bank for the very first time. This framework involves a comprehensive comparison of dimensional storage to determine various aspects of energy access i.e. electricity, cooking solutions, and space heating.. Primary data of 730 rural households of the Rawalpindi division using Multi stage random sampling techniques was collected through a wellself-structured questionnaire from districts namely, Rawalpindi, Attock, Jhelum and Chakwal. There are varying reflections of energy access of heating among districts of Rawalpindi division. Results of the analysis referred that Heating access rate was predominantly spoiled by collection time of fuel and lack of capacity to get their localities warm at desirable level in district Jhelum by scoring 56,8 points Weekly more than 7 hours is being spent on collection of fuel across rural households in all Districts. 40 % of the time, households are not able to get themselves warm in face of cold conditions. The study recommends that in order to place sixty percent households of lower tiers to finish in arena of higher energy access rate and with mission to escaping energy poverty, rigorous efforts would be required, through implementation of area specific interventions rather more generalized endorsements. 


Research for Humanity (Private) Limited







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