Assessment of Human Resource Management Framework from Islamic Paradigm: Proposition of an Islamic Model of Human Resource Management


Ali Muhammad Aqib,Shirazi Sarina Zainab,Arshad Samyr Ali,Kemal Muhammad Usman


The study of Human Resource Management (HRM) in the context of Islamic philosophy has gained traction especially in the last two decades. This paper aims to assess the HRM purpose, processes and practices in the light of Islamic doctrine to eventually present an Islamic model of HRM that is hinged upon Islamic principles and values. The postulated model offers a unique perspective by incorporating both contemporary and spiritual dimensions to HRM framework in order to provide a holistic outlook to the study of Islamic Human Resource Management (IHRM). The proposed model named The “AF Islamic HRM Model” is driven by two key Islamic concepts of Adl (justice) and Falah (wellbeing or success), where Adl represents an essential underlying element for all HRM processes as per the proposed IHRM model and the conception of Falah implies an ultimate reward or success in this world as well as in the world hereafter, as perceived from the Islamic belief system. The paper entails a qualitative research approach by evaluating the existing HRM models as well as analyzing the already available literature regarding Islamic perspective to the HRM theory to ultimately posit a model which contributes value to the existing knowledge base of Islamic HRM. There is not much research regarding the application of Islamic ideology to various facets of HRM and this study endeavors to address this research gap by proposing an IHRM model which consolidates both the contemporary HRM philosophy as well as the Islamic tenets and guidelines, encompassing diverse aspects of both religion and worldly life by providing insights about the conventional HRM body of knowledge with a touch of ethics and spirituality.


Research for Humanity (Private) Limited







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