Changing the paradigm of the economic science under innovative development


Petrenko T. V.1ORCID


1. Taganrog management and economics institute


Objective: to analyze the evolution of the economic science paradigm aimed at forming a system paradigm that allows changing the style of scientific thinking, generating system solutions, in particular, in the field of transformation of labor potential relative to the demands of the digital economy.Methods: the main method of research is the method of unity of the historical and the logical in relation to the evolution of the economic system, scientific views and principles that characterize it, as well as the principle of methodological system, which allows forming an idea of the modern economic system as a multidimensional object.Results: the article briefly examines the evolutionary stages of the economics paradigm; it is revealed that innovative development as an objective process of changing the environment causes the modernization of key subsystems, actualizing the application of a system paradigm that allows linking and presenting an adequate interpretation of emerging facts, events, and phenomena characteristic of the modern realities of the digital economy. The need to expand the innovative potential of labor resources, observed at all stages of the reproduction process, rethinking of the role of labor and its main components puts forward the requirements for its qualitative modernization. The symbiosis of labor relations with cultural, mental and other subsystems, forming the foundations of labor consciousness and the construction of labor behavior, is considered to be an essential argument for expanding research based on a systematic approach. In this regard, scientific and applied developments aimed at the formation of mobile institutional mechanisms and structures, like institutional interaction centers focused on the development of labor potential and its harmonious improvement, enable to expand the range of the used mechanisms, setting them a vector that meets the needs of society.Scientific novelty: based on a systematic approach, a characteristic of new institutional structures is proposed, which is related to social partnership and allows solving the problem of adaptation of labor potential to the demands of the digital economy.Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in scientific and pedagogical activities for the formation of institutional centers of interaction.


Tatar Educational Centre Taglimat, Ltd.

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