Container-title:Tourism and hospitality management
Short-container-title:Tour. hosp. manag.
Traditional learning processes in contemporary management practice, especially in global business environment, are being challenged by new approaches. They can not be avoided in the hospitality and tourism industry. Kolb’s experimental learning model is a solid base to build on. Experimental learning theory uses personal and group experiences while taking participants through various stages of learning associated with the theory. However, when talking about concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation as stages of experimental learning, student variations in attitude, motivation, and style as well as ability have to be understood. The model of competences as underlying characteristic of a person could help to clarify this issue. We comprehend competence as a broader concept than skills. Affective and motivational factors should be added as well as personality traits next to different kinds of skills. Moreover, we could claim that cognition is only one aspect of the human mind. The other two aspects: affection and conation have often been neglected in education. Due to that reason we will decompose competences into cognitive, behavioural, and conative. While the first two are increasingly present and included in education programmes, conative ones are scarcely the subject of training programmes, because they are inborn and can be only encouraged, but their role should not be neglected.
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management
Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management
Reference54 articles.
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