Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to elaborate holistic strategies in the formation of products and services that provide an opportunity for active engagement of visitors in development of tourist destination. Design / Methodology / Approach – This paper is designed as a business plan that offers strategic and operative guidelines for implementation of the holistic approach. By combining holistic paradigm with the design science research methodology, this article explains how to develop holistic projects in tourism and why such projects represent a smart investment. Findings – Involvement of visitors in qualitative improvement of their destination creates strong emotional bond that increases return visits and boosts loyalty. The strategy of the visitor involvement can be applied in different types of the artistic, cultural, agricultural, historical and environmental projects. By forming a common framework in which many different individuals can participate and co-create, holistic projects may improve general quality of some eco-system. Holistic development represents an active, creative and social process that stimulates synergy within different industries in the local community. Originality of the research – This is one of the first studies about the holistic gardens in the Republic of Croatia that explains how to create sustainable relationships between stakeholders in the tourist destination.
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management
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