Generation of high-energy single pulses and pulse clusters in ytterbium fibre lasers with quasi-synchronous modulation of the pump power


Ivanenko A.V.,Nyushkov B.N.,Smirnov S.V.


Abstract Additional capabilities of the method of quasi-synchronous pump power modulation developed by the authors for nanosecond high-energy pulsed oscillation of fibre lasers with a long-lived (about 1 ms) upper laser level are investigated. Using an Yb fibre laser as an example, it is shown that quasi-synchronous pump power modulation makes it possible to generate not only a periodic sequence of single nanosecond pulses, but also regular pulse clusters with a controlled number of nanosecond subpulses that make up a cluster. In addition, the feasibility of scaling the energy of laser pulses obtained by the method of quasi-synchronous modulation of the pump power is studied when proceeding to the use of active double-clad fibres and higher-power multimode pump sources. Pulses with energies up to 430 nJ are obtained in a laser configuration maintaining linear polarisation of radiation. The results obtained significantly expand the possibilities of applying the method of quasi-synchronous modulation of the pump power in conventional fibre lasers based on stimulated emission.


IOP Publishing


Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics,Statistical and Nonlinear Physics,Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials

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