Shestimerova Tatiana A.,Shevelkov Andrei V.
Metal-inorganic frameworks are all-inorganic counterparts of well-known and extensively investigated metal-organic frameworks. Metal atoms connected by linkers form structures of different dimensionality with channels filled with atoms, ions or molecules. The review is devoted to metal-inorganic frameworks assembled from transition metal atoms, mainly mercury and silver, linked to phosphorus, arsenic or antimony atoms or groups of atoms of different shapes (dumbbells, rings, clusters, chains or helices). This assembly gives rise to frameworks of different geometry and with different topology. In all cases, the positively charged framework is composed of transition metal cations and pnictogen atoms as linkers. The positive charge of the framework is compensated by guest anions. Depending on the charge of the framework and the nature of the anion, compounds with different structures and properties can be produced. Specific features of metal-inorganic frameworks, the influence of weak interactions on the framework architecture and possibilities of designing new frameworks are discussed.
The bibliography includes 82 references.
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14 articles.