1. Laboratory of Chemistry of Natural Systems
2. Department of Pharmacy, Head of Laboratory of Chemistry of Natural Systems
3. Department of Pharmacy, Senior Research Scientist, Laboratory of Chemistry of Natural Systems
4. Banzarov Buryat State University, Smolin str. 24a, Ulan-Ude, 670000, Republic of Buryatia, Russian Federation
Purpose. To conduct a comparative analysis of the qualitative composition and quantitative content of components of essential oils isolated from different organs of Artemisia santolinofolia, and also to study the influence of weather conditions on the accumulation and composition of essential oils. Material and methods. The object of the study is the aerial part of A. santolinifolia, collected in the Okinsky district of the Republic of Buryatia during the flowering phase, in August 2016, 2017, 2019. Essential oils were isolated by hydrodistillation. The component composition was determined by chromatography-mass spectrometry with an Agilent Packard HP 6890 gas chromatograph with a quadrupole mass spectrometer (HP MSD 5973N). Results. The highest content of essential oils is in inflorescences (0.7%) and leaves (0.7%), less in the aerial parts (0.5%) and stems (0.4%). Monoterpenoids mainly accumulate in inflorescences, sesquiterpenoids are mostly found in leaves and stems. Dominant components characteristic of all parts of the plant: 1,8-cineole (1.5–9.1%), terpineol-4 (0.7–2.8%), bornyl-2-methylbutonoate (1.5–1.8), camphor (0.4–39.5%), borneol (0.7–6.4%), bornyl acetate (3.1–5.0%), davana ether (isomer 1) (1.9–5.3%), davana ester (isomer 2) (1.1–3.2%), davanone (0.6–12.4%), caryophiollene (0.5–2.0%), bicyclogermacrene ( 0.7–6.2%), spatulenol (0.8–19.9%). The hydrothermal coefficient (HTC) was calculated and a positive correlation between HTC and the content of essential oil in the raw material was shown. Conclusions. For the first time, the component composition of essential oils isolated from the inflorescences, leaves, and stems of Artemisia santolinofolia was studied; 60 compounds related to mono- and sesquiterpene compounds were identified. The dominant components of essential oils were identified. A study of the dynamics of accumulation showed that oils are contained in all organs of the plant, therefore the entire above-ground part of the plant is collected; the optimal period for collecting raw materials is the flowering phase. The content of essential oils depends more on the amount of precipitation than on the average monthly temperature.
Russian Vrach, Publishing House Ltd.
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