Development of a venotonizing cream


Dzhavakhyan M.A.1,Semkina O.A.2,Markaryan A.A.3,Gromakova A.I.2,Tatarenko-Kozmina T.Yu.3,Pleten A.P.3,Kurkin D.V.3,Dargaeva T.D.2


1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Russian University of Medicine» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Delegatskaya str., 20/1, Mosсow, 127473, Russian Federation; All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Grina str., 7, Mosсow, 117216, Russian Federation

2. All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Grina str., 7, Mosсow, 117216, Russian Federation

3. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Russian University of Medicine» of the Ministry of Health


Introduction. Diseases of the veins of the lower extremities, being one of the most common among the working age population, are currently acquiring the status of socially significant diseases. The main method used to treat this pathology at the initial stage is pharmacotherapy, which includes the use of both synthetic and phytopreparations containing a complex of biologically active substances that affect various links of the pathological process and have an anti-inflammatory, venotonizing, angioprotective, decongestant effect. The complex action of substances of plant origin determines the creation of drugs based on them for the prevention and treatment of veins and diseases of the lower extremities. Objective. A promising area of pharmaceutical research is the development of a cream that combines anti-inflammatory and venotonizing effects based on the grapes of the cultivated leaves of the red extract of dry. Material and methods. The article presents the justification for the choice of excipients in the development of the composition and technology of the venotonizing cream. Subject: dry purified extract based on polyphenol complex, from the leaves of red grapes (Vitis vinifera L.). The study methods comply with the requirements of the Rus. Pharm. The excipients used in the work are selected taking into account the physicochemical properties of the substance and the purpose of the dosage form. Results. The optimal composition and technology of the cream of the cultural leaves of dry red extract has been developed. The cream quality criteria and critical characteristics are established in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents for the following indicators: appearance, uniformity, pH value, identity, determination of the sum of phenolic compounds in terms of routine, identity. A rational scheme of cream production is proposed. Conclusion. The cream quality parameters were established in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documentation for the main indicators: appearance, uniformity, pH value, identity, quantitative determination of the sum of phenolic compounds in terms of rutin. Stability of the developed dosage form was established for 15 months of storage. Keywords: Emulsion base, cream, dry extract, cultural grapes.


Russian Vrach, Publishing House Ltd.

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