1. Academician E.I. Chazov National Medical Research Center of Cardiology, Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, Russian Federation, Moscow, Academician E.I. Chazov St., 15А, 121552
The computational study of 3D-model hyaluronidase interaction with shortchain glycosaminoglycan ligands had performed demonstrating the diversity and significance of their reaction on enzyme structure. The purpose of this review was evolution of limiting enzyme functioning interactions (impact on stability, biocatalyst activity) with grounding of recommendations for experimental modification of hyaluronidase for obtaining of its derivative of medicine destination (according the results of theoretical researches). The analysis was performed on databases of PubMed, Web of Science, MedLine, E-library in frames last 15 years. The binding of chondroitin trimers (on centers cn6, cn3, cn1) to hyaluronidase molecular surface increased the enzyme stability, binding of chondroitin sulfate trimers (on centers cs2, cs4, cs7, cs8 or cs1, cs2, cs4, cs7, cs8) decreased the inhibition of enzyme by tetramer heparin. It should be noted the importance of ligand binding for regulation of enzyme functioning and existence of multiform and multicomponent microenvironment of enzyme. The sequence of preferable coupling of ligands with hyaluronidase is elicited in our study and with its help was evaluate reality of experimental selective modification of enzyme (possibly noncovalent or covalently, for instance, with chondroitin sulfate trimers on centers cs7, cs1, cs5) for experimental obtaining of stabilized enzyme forms. The perspective approaches for this aim may be the noncovalent reaction on hyaluronidase by chondroitin or chondroitin sulfate trimers as well covalent modification of biocatalyst by chondroitin sulfate trimers.
Russian Vrach, Publishing House Ltd.
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