Stimulating effect of encoded amino acids combinations on cellular proliferation in organotypic culture of tissue


Chalisova N.I.1,Ryzhak G.A.2


1. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, emb. Makarova, 6, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation; St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, Dynamo Ave., 3, St. Petersburg, 197110, Russian Federation

2. St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, Dynamo Ave., 3, St. Petersburg, 197110, Russian Federation


Introduction. The study of mechanisms of multicellular system regulation and of cellular proliferation balanced status in the organism tissues is one of the actual task of modern biology and medicine. Purpose of study. Effect of encoded amino acids combinations on the cellular proliferation in tissues of different genesis. Methods. Organotypic tissue culture of 5-month rat cerebral cortex (ectodermal genesis), myocardium (mezodermal genesis), pancreas (entodermal genesis) was used for quick screening of biologically activity of amino acids. Results. The stimulating cellular proliferation effect of encoded amino acids combinations on tissues was established. The square index (SI) of explants was increased statistically reliable on 38–70%, as compared to the control. Conclusion. The data obtained produce the base for working of preparations for treatment of patients with pathology in cerebral cortex, myocardium and pancreas tissues.


Russian Vrach, Publishing House Ltd.

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