Possibilities of duplex scanning in assessing portal hemodynamics in patients with chronic hepatitis associated with HBV- and HCV-infection


Morozova T.1,Chernikov I.1,Peretolchina T.1


1. Ural State Medical University, Yekaterinburg


Objective. To study the features of portal hemodynamics in patients with chronic viral hepatitis (CVH) associated with HBV- (CVHB) and HCV-infection (CVHC). Material and methods. The study involved 69 patients with CVHB and 71 patients with CVHC. The control group consisted of 50 practically healthy individuals comparable in gender and age to the study groups. All study participants underwent ultrasound of the abdominal organs and pulsed Doppler ultrasound with color Doppler mapping. Results. It has been established that patients with CVHC have more pronounced changes in blood flow in the veins of the portal system and in the splanchnic arteries compared to patients with CVHB.


Russian Vrach, Publishing House Ltd.

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