1. Ural State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Yekaterinburg
2. Medical Center «Academy of Health», Penza
Were examined 37 patients with metabolically healthy abdominal obesity in the period of menopausal transition, in whom the association of hypoestrogenemia with psychological changes was revealed. It was found that the natural vitamin and mineral complex Eromax effectively affects the psychological state of the studied patients. This innovative drug has a comprehensive and versatile effect on the female body, allows you to safely normalize the hormonal background, levels clinical manifestations, increases libido, has a positive effect on biological age; activates metabolism, contributing to the burning of excess fat. All components of the drug are physiologically close to the human body and do not disrupt the natural processes occurring in it. The drug Eromax is highly effective, has a fairly wide range of effects, and has a complex harmonizing effect on the body.
Russian Vrach, Publishing House Ltd.
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