Botulinum toxin in modern cosmetology practice: from high efficiency to the problem of complications (analysis of clinical observation)


Tlish M.1,Sashko M.1,Shavilova M.1,Katz Yu.2,Psavok F.1


1. Kuban State Medical University, Ministry of Heath of Russia, Krasnodar

2. Beauty Alliance South LLC, Krasnodar


At the present stage, there has been an increase in the popularity of wrinkle correction using botulinum toxin, which is largely due to the quick and long-lasting result of this procedure. The accumulated scientific and practical experience shows that cosmetic injections of botulinum toxin are rarely accompanied by complications. However, due to the high demand for procedures and the significant commercialization of this area, cases of its implementation by persons without proper professional education and using non-certified injectables have become more frequent. This often leads to undesirable consequences of the procedure and late treatment of such patients in specialized medical institutions. The article focuses on the fact that a prerequisite for this procedure is a high level of qualification of a dermatocosmetologist, the obligatory observance of the injection technique and the use of only certified medical preparations. In order to inform healthcare professionals about this problem, we present our own clinical observations of patients with complications after botulinum toxin injections performed by non-medical personnel.


Russian Vrach, Publishing House Ltd.

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