1. Kuban State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Krasnodar
Post-COVID syndrome develops after a COVID-19 infection, and is also observed in cases of mild or asymptomatic course of the disease. The most common symptoms of bridge syndrome are asthenia and decreased performance, with further development of cognitive deficit. Taking into account the leading role of immune disorders in the pathogenesis of COVID-19, the use of immunotropic drugs that have both direct activity in relation to immune interactions and those that work indirectly through the reduction of post-stress reactions that can maintain immune dysfunction seems promising. In this regard, Selank is of interest, a peptide created on the basis of the immune regulator tafcin, which has proven itself well in the treatment of a wide range of neurotic and neurosis–like disorders. Objective. To study the efficacy of the drug Selank in patients with complaints of asthenia, decreased performance and emotional disorders that developed after COVID-19 infection. Material and methods. The study included 64 patients divided into 2 groups: Group 1 (n=32) – patients received neuroprotective complex (cholitilin, mexidol, milgamma) and the drug Selank; Group 2 (n=32) – patients received neuroprotective complex (cholitilin, mexidol, milgamma) without the drug Selank. Results. The drug Selank (nasal drops, 1.5 mg) when used at a dose of 2-3 drops 4 times a day for 30 days showed a good effect in patients with asthenia and impaired mental performance. In parallel, relief of anxiety and depressive symptoms was observed. Based on the data obtained, it can be argued that Selank demonstrates a good effect when used in patients with asthenia, which developed as a result of a previous COVID-19 viral infection, with concomitant depressive and anxiety symptoms.
Russian Vrach, Publishing House Ltd.
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