1. Tver State Medical University Tver Regional Clinical Cardiology Dispensary
Objective. To analyze the literature, which reflect the results of the study of the pharmacological properties of hawthorn blood-red and the possibility of using the above-ground part of the plant in the Russian drug Cardioton in patients with cardiovascular disease. Material and methods. An analysis was made of more than thirty scientific publications of Russian and foreign researchers, reflecting the use of blood-red hawthorn, as well as rose hips and royal jelly, which are components of the drug Cardioton, in patients with cardiovascular diseases. Results. The hawthorn-blood-red preparations have cardiotonic, coronary dilation, hypotensive, antiarrhythmic, antispasmodic and antioxidant effects. The drug Cardioton combines in its composition whole above-ground parts of hawthorn-blood-red - fruits, flowers and leaves. Conclusions. Use hawthorn-blood-red is associated with improvement in the general well-being of patients. The drug Cardiotone, produced by the Russian company "Parafarm" has antioxidant, cardioprotective, hypotensive, hypocholesterolemic, anti-inflammatory, metabolic effect and can be recommended for the complex prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
Russian Vrach, Publishing House Ltd.
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