Some radiological aspects of lung lesions in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis


Bestaev D.1,Mokhamed Kh.2,Konushkaliev A.2,Brtsieva Z.2,Burduli N.2,Tsagaraeva Z.2,Bestaeva T.3


1. North Ossetian State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health of Russia, Vladikavkaz, “Mega” Medical Center, Vladikavkaz

2. North Ossetian State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health of Russia, Vladikavkaz

3. “Mega” Medical Center, Vladikavkaz


The early diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the assessment of the severity of its course, and the early prediction of destructive changes are the key to adequate and effective therapy. The modern principles of RA treatment are based on early aggressive therapy at the onset of the disease (the window of opportunity” concept), which allows a sustained remission to be achieved in a number of cases. Lung damage is one of the most common extraarticular manifestations in RA. Lung lesion in the early-stage RA includes respiratory tract damage. Perhaps, the lung should be considered as a place of initiation of the pathological process in RA. The paper gives the results of the study assessing the data of high-resolution tomography of the lung in patients with early RA.


Russian Vrach, Publishing House Ltd.

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