Exploiting Topological Priors for Boosting Point Cloud Generation


Chen Baiyuan


This paper presents an innovative enhancement to the Sphere as Prior Generative Adversarial Network (SP-GAN) model, a state-of-the-art GAN designed for point cloud generation. A novel method is introduced for point cloud generation that elevates the structural integrity and overall quality of the generated point clouds by incorporating topological priors into the training process of the generator. Specifically, this work utilizes the K-means algorithm to segment a point cloud from the repository into clusters and extract centroids, which are then used as priors in the generation process of the SP-GAN. Furthermore, the discriminator component of the SP-GAN utilizes the identical point cloud that contributed the centroids, ensuring a coherent and consistent learning environment. This strategic use of centroids as intuitive guides not only boosts the efficiency of global feature learning but also substantially improves the structural coherence and fidelity of the generated point clouds. By applying the K-means algorithm to generate centroids as the prior, the work intuitively and experimentally demonstrates that such a prior enhances the quality of generated point clouds.


Warwick Evans Publishing

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