About managing the number of simultaneously functioning software robots of different types


Zuev A. S.1ORCID,Leonov D. A.1ORCID


1. MIREA – Russian Technological University


Objectives. The study sets out to justify the relevance and investigate approaches for solving the problem of managing the number of simultaneously functioning software robots of various types under conditions of limited computational resources and changes in sets of executable tasks.Methods. A proposed solution is based on models and methods of scenario management, linear programming, inventory management, queuing theory, and machine learning. The described methods are valid for different compositions and preconditions for generating initial data, as well as ensuring the relevance horizons of the obtained solutions.Results. The initial data is obtained via the presented approach for determining the computational resource parameters for operating a single software robot. The resources are determined by analyzing the composition of the software and information services used by an actual software robot. Problem statements and mathematical models are developed for cases involving scenario management and linear programming methods. Methods for real-time management of the number of software robots and their sequential local optimization are proposed based on the abovementioned solution sequences. The developed method for generating statistical data based the results of applying the sequential local optimization method is used to identify deficient and non-deficient computational resources. Some results of working in the multi-functional center of RTU MIREA software robots developed on the Аtоm.RITA platform are outlined.Conclusions. The emerging problem of managing the number of simultaneously operating software robots of various types for cases involving scenario control methods and linear programming is formalized. This problem is relevant in the field of automation of business processes of organizations. The use of mathematical methods for solving this problem opens up opportunities for expanding the functional capabilities of robotic process automation platforms, as well as increasing their economic efficiency to create competitive advantages by optimizing the use of IT infrastructure components.



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