1. Korablin Yu.P., Kulikova N.L., Shipov A.A. Programs as least fixed points: theoretical and applied aspects. Cloud of Science. 2020;7(3):535−550 (in Russ.).
2. Karpov Yu.G. Model checking. Verifikatsiya parallel’nykh i raspredelennykh programmnykh system (Model checking. Verification of parallel and distributed software systems). St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg; 2010. 610 p. (in Russ.). ISBN 978-5-9775-0404-1
3. Korablin Yu.P., Kuchugurov I.V. Process semantics of distributed programming language. Programmnye produkty i sistemy = Software & Systems. 2011;4(96):57−64 (in Russ.).
4. Korablin Yu.P. Semanticheskie metody analiza programm (Semantic methods of program analysis). Moscow: MEI; 2019. 68 p. (in Russ.). ISBN 978-5-7046-2173-7
5. Floyd R.W. Assigning meanings to programs. In: Colburn T.R., Fetzer J.H., Rankin T.L. (Eds.). Program Verification. Studies in Cognitive Systems. Dordrecht: Springer; 1993. V. 14. P. 65−81. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-011-1793-7_4