Revitalizing Urban Resilience in Thailand: Exploring Conceptual Frameworks and Terminology


Palakhamarn Thawatchai,Kamolvej Tavida


This article presents a comprehensive exploration of urban resilience in the Thai context, focusing on the integration of frameworks, interpretation of concepts, and their transformative potential. Through examination and interpretation of scholarly articles, reports, policy documents, and relevant publications, we unravel the conceptual frameworks and terminology specific to Thailand’s urban resilience landscape. The study reveals the multidimensional nature of urban resilience, encompassing physical, environmental, social, economic, and institutional dimensions. By contrasting global and local terminologies, we emphasize the importance of contextualizing resilience concepts in terms of conditions that are uniquely Thai. The evolution of resilience-related terminology reflects Thailand’s shift towards a holistic and inclusive approach, emphasizing community-based processes, sustainability, and environmental protection. The implications for policy and practice offer actionable insights to foster resilience in Thai cities. Integrating local knowledge with global frameworks, fostering collaboration among stakeholders, promoting capacity building and knowledge sharing, and prioritizing monitoring and evaluation emerge as key strategies. These approaches aim to build resilient, sustainable, and inclusive urban environments that can withstand the challenges posed by climate change, rapid urbanization, and social disparities. This research serves as a foundation for further exploration, inspiring scholars, policymakers, and practitioners to delve deeper into the multifaceted aspects of Thailand’s urban resilience. By refining our understanding and harnessing collective wisdom, we can develop context-specific solutions that address the unique challenges faced by cities globally.


Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasat University







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