Features of gas composition and acid-base state of blood in newborns with intrauterine infections


Ismoilov K. I.1,Muzaffarov Sh. S.1


1. Department of children’s diseases № 2 Avicenna Tajik State Medical University


Aim. To study the features of the gas composition and acid-base state in newborns with specific intrauterine infections.Material and methods. The examination was conducted based on the neonatal pathology unit of the SI NMCShifobakhsh.The degree of oxygenation of blood and skin was determined using daily pulse-oximetry. The partial pressure of gases and the study of the acid-base state (CBS) of blood was carried out using Convergys/liquid device.Result and discussion. The results of our study of blood gases and the acid-base indicator of blood in newborns with severe IUI showed noticeable hypoxemia, moderate hypercapnia, and a deficiency of buffer States, which indicate a violation of gas exchange function in the lungs with the development of compensatory respiratory-metabolic acidosis in children of this group. In patients with a very severe course of IUI, as the syndrome of respiratory disorders and the severity of hyperventilation syndrome increased, deeper changes in blood gas parameters and the acid-base state of the blood were noted. It indicates significant damage to the ventilation function of the lungs, diffuse perfusion processes, gas, and acid-base homeostasis.Conclusions. Impairment of the function of organs and systems that developed against the background of a severe or very severe course of IUI, depending on the degree of severity of deviations in blood gas parameters and acid-base balance, shows the need for adequate corrective therapy.


Healthcare of Tajikistan

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