1. State Educational Institution Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, Department of General Surgery №1 named after Prof. A.N. Kakhkharov
Aim. To study the aetiology, pathogenetic factors and prevalence of anal fissure in the Republic of Tajikistan.Materials and methods. Approximately 600 patients with anal fissure are treated annually in specialized coloproctology centres of the Republic. During 2018-2022, 3,065 patients were admitted with this pathology. All patients underwent perianal examination. Anal and rectal reflexes were measured, digital rectal examination, sphincterometry, manometry and sigmoidoscopy were performed.Results and discussion. The main factor in the pathogenesis is the formation of the so-called vicious cycle, in which the pain factor and spasm of the anal sphincter play an important role, as well as the formation of a caruncle, which was observed in 83% and 82% of the cases, respectively. Pectinosis of the anal sphincter occurred in 8% and thickening of the anal fissure margins in 115 cases.Conclusions. Anal fissure is a polyetiological disease and an important factor in its development is mechanical damage of the posterior wall due to chronic persistent constipation. In the pathogenesis of anal fissure there is a vicious circle in which pain factor and spasm of anal sphincter play an important role.
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