Organization of complex treatment of the rhinocerebral form of mucormicosis in the post-covid period


Abdullozoda J. A.1,Khojamurаdov G. M.2,Shamszoda Kh. A.3,Khamidov M. G.3,Tursunov R. A.4


1. Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan; Tajik National University

2. Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan

3. National Medical Center of the Republic of Tatarstan “Shifobakhsh”

4. Tajik National University


Aim: To develop an optimal variant of complex treatment of the rhinocerebral form of mucormycosis in the postCOVID period.Materials and Methods: Treatment data from 48 patients diagnosed with the rhinocerebral form of mucormycosis, sourced from various regions of the Republic of Tajikistan, was scrutinized for this analysis.Results and Discussion: The analysis revealed that patients who had contracted COVID-19 (n=12; 0.9%) and had existing health conditions, experienced the onset of neurovascular insufficiency in the early stages of the post-COVID period, roughly 1-3 months subsequent to the infection. This condition was ostensibly triggered by the direct viral disruption of the blood-brain barrier, hypercoagulation, and ensuing neurovascular complications. It was also noted that these patients had been administered fifth-generation antibiotics and glucocorticosteroids during their treatment.Conclusion: The study findings suggest that the emergence of the rhinocerebral form of mucormycosis in the postCOVID period, especially in patients with concurrent health conditions, could be linked to weakened immunity and immunodeficiency. These are often induced by the prolonged, unregulated use of antibiotics and glucocorticosteroids, consequently leading to an increase in pathogenic and opportunistic fungi. In light of these findings, it is recommended that such patients be admitted to specialized medical institutions for appropriate treatment.


Healthcare of Tajikistan

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