Current views on the etiology, classification, diagnosis, treatment of chemical burns and post-burn scar stenosis of the esophagus in children


Sharipov A. M.1,Yusupov B. H.2


1. Tajik State Medical University named after Abu Ali ibn Sinai. Abu Ali ibn Sino Tajik State Medical University; National Medical Center Shifobakhsh State Institution

2. National Medical Center Shifobakhsh State Institution


This review analyzes different scientific views on the diagnosis and treatment of chemical burns of the esophagus and its consequences - the formation of cicatricial stenosis of the organ. Post-burn scar stenosis of the esophagus in pediatric surgery is a fairly common disease that is formed in children with chemical burn of the 3rd degree. In the study of this pathology a timely diagnosis between the degrees of esophageal burns and the correct selection of patients for dilatation of the organ is of particular interest for the correct treatment of patients.


Healthcare of Tajikistan

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