Morphofunctional changes in the small intestine in acute adhesive small bowel obstruction


Gulzoda M. K.1,Safarov B. I.1,Ruziboyzoda K. R.1,Kobilov K. K.1


1. SEI Avicena Tajik State Medical University


Aim: To study the features of morpho-functional changes in the small intestine mucosa in acute adhesive small bowel obstruction.Material and methods. The results of a comprehensive study of morphological and functional changes in the small intestine’s mucous membrane in 20 patients out of 50 with acute adhesive small intestinal obstruction were analyzed. Patients underwent resection of the small intestine with a biopsy from the mucous membrane, followed by a pathomorphological and biochemical examination of biopsy specimens.Results. The study results show that more pronounced pathomorphological changes in the mucous membrane of the small intestine were observed in patients with acute adhesive small intestinal obstruction with widespread (multiple) adhesions compared with limited (single) adhesions. In the study of biochemical parameters in the small intestine mucosa in patients with acute adhesive small intestinal obstruction with the presence of multiple (widespread) adhesions, there was a significant and critical increase in lipid peroxidation and proinflammatory cytokines, a decrease in antioxidant protection compared to the patient group with the presence of single (limited) adhesions. There was also a decrease in the concentration of serotonin in the mucosa of the small intestine. In the presence of single (limited) adhesions in these patients, it decreases to 0,50±0,3 units, and in patients with multiple (common) adhesions - to 0,20±0,2 arb. units.Conclusion. The severity of morpho-functional changes in the mucosa of the small intestine directly correlates with the severity of the development of the adhesive process and acute adhesive small bowel obstruction. 


Healthcare of Tajikistan

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