Frequency and structure of congenital fetal malformations in the new socioeconomic conditions


Mirzabekova B. T.1,Saidova H. O.1,Mukhamadieva S. M.1,Saydahmadova Sh. J.2


1. State Institution Institute of Postgraduate Education in Health Care, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan

2. State Institution Republican Medical College


Aim. To identify the frequency and the structure of congenital malformations in the new socio-economic conditions of the region for the period betwee 2014-2018.Material and methods. Annual statistical data of form 32 “Report on the provision of medical care to pregnant women, women in labor and newborns”, approved by No. 54 of 11.11.2014, of the Center for Medical Statistics and Information of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period 2014-2018 were analyzed.Results and discussion. In the new socio-economic conditions of the country, a high frequency of congenital malformations has been established, which has an unstable tendency to decrease. The findings indicate that congenital malformations occur mainly among premature newborns, while lesions of the central nervous system prevail. Defects of the cardiovascular system prevail among full-term infants, which is possibly associated with the late diagnosis of the pathology.Conclusion. Perinatal screening will allow timely detection of congenital malformations of the fetus, reduce perinatal morbidity and mortality.


Healthcare of Tajikistan

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