Digital technologies and development of new services based on the housing services company


Tereliansky P. V.1ORCID,Zyabkin A. S.2ORCID


1. Institute of Management named after V. A. Trapeznikov; State University of Manadement

2. Housing and Utilities Management Company Volgograd LLC


The object of the study are the processes of incorporation of digital technologies in the activities of subjects of the housing and communal services market. The information and telecommunication technologies have been analysed in the paper, the use of which allows us to expand the range of services provided to residents of apartment buildings by management organizations in the field of housing and communal services. Factors and conditions of diversification of services of management companies due to introduction of “Uber-technologies” have been considered. One of the tools of digitalization of housing and communal services is the so-called “uberization”. “Uberization” of housing services in large cities has significant economic potential. As of the end of 2019, commercial projects of “uberization” of housing services in Russia are at the stage of pilot testing. At the same time, Russia has a rather unique situation – there is a “goal – setting” on the part of the state, institutionalized by regulations, state national and Federal programs, and most importantly-there is a request from the society, since such services are technologically little different from buying food on the Internet or ordering a taxi. The development of “Uber-technologies” is impossible without a comprehensive solution to the problems of modern digital society, which can really have an impact on the work of a mass digital platform. These issues include: ensuring human rights in the digital world, including the identification and preservation of the user’s digital data, as well as the problem of ensuring the trust of citizens in the digital environment; threats to the individual, business and the state associated with the trends of building complex hierarchical information and telecommunications systems that widely use virtualization, remote (cloud) data storage, as well as heterogeneous communication technologies and terminal devices.; expansion of opportunities for external information and technical impact on the information infrastructure, including critical information infrastructure; growth of computer crime scales.


State University of Management

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